
ขอเชิญเข้าร่วมงานประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติ INTE 2021 - IETC 2021 - IWSC 2021

16 มีนาคม 2564   ประเภทข่าว : ข่าวประชุมวิชาการ    : 1381 ครั้ง

INTE 2021 - IETC 2021 - IWSC 2021

International Educational Technology Conference


International Conference on New Horizons in Education


International Conference on Contemporary Women's Studies

September 02-03, 2021


International Final University

Mark your calendars! INTE 21, IETC 21, IWSC 21 call for proposals is out.

Help us celebrate academic development & Submit Your Abstract Now.

Deadline: September 01, 2021


Prof. Dr. Badrul KHAN, President, McWeadon Education, United States
Speech Title: Microlearning in the Digital World

Prof. Dr. Jozef Colpaert, Editor of CALL Journal, University of Antwerpen, Belgium
Speech Title: Multimodality as a transdisciplinary concept: from technology to psychology
Prof. Dr. Chaiyong BRAHMAWONG, Bangkok Thonburi University, Thailand
Speech Title: Educational Technology: Extended Concepts, Scope and Roles
Prof. Dr. Teresa FRANKLIN, Ohio University, United States
Speech Title: After Covid: Moving to Design Thinking in Education and Technology With Covid
Prof. Dr. Ferhan ODABAŞI, Anadolu University, Turkey
Speech Title: Why/ When is it okay to feel unsafe in Digital Age?
Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ELMAS, President, Higher Education Quality Council, Turkey
Speech Title: Quality In Higher Education
Prof. Dr. Douglas FRANKLIN, Ohio University, United States
Speech Title: Flexible Learning: A Tool To Meet Evolving Needs Or A Temporary Fix To Address Emergency Needs
Prof. Dr. Durmus GÜNAY, Maltepe University, Turkey
Speech Title: Philosophy of Technology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ágnes N. TOTH, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Speech Title: Remote Teaching As A New Paradigm Of Education
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norlidah ALIAS, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Speech Title: Educational Research in Post Covid -19: Direction and New Norms
Assist. Prof. Dr. Thosporn Sangsawang, Rajamangala University of Technology Tanyaburi, Thailand
Speech Title: Digital Content Design for Online Learning
Dr. Leonora Anyango-Kivuva, Community College of Allegheny County, United States
Speech Title: Leveraging Action: Toward an Inclusive Agenda for Disenfranchised Women


Dear colleague,

You are invited to join INTE 2021 - IETC 2021 - IWSC 2021, one of the largest international conferences for lecturers, researchers and technologists. For the last 20 years, INTE 2021 - IETC 2021 - IWSC 2021 conferences have been held in-person, welcoming many participants in the field of education. Last July 2020, due to the COVID outbreak, These conferences were successfully held as a virtual conference.

INTE, IWSC & IETC conferences have been held as both in-person and virtual events, welcoming more than 400 participants in the field of education.

This year, INTE & IETC are really concerned health issues related to COVID-19 coronavirus diseas and your safety is our priority.  We hope your family and you are safe. Many traditional classes across the world (many international universities) are moving to a online or video format. We can do it, too. ZOOM online program will be used. We hope to see you at a future conference.

**Due to Coronavirus COVID-19, Paper presentations could be online, video or face to face.**




Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Final International University, Sakarya University, The Association of Science, Education and Technology (TASET) and  The Association for Educational Communications  and Technology (AECT) are pleased to invite you to "International Conference on New Horizons in EducationInternational Educational Technology Conference" & International Conference on Contemporary Women's Studies to be held at International Final University.

Your contributions can be presented in three formats:
- Virtual presentations
- Oral and poster presentations

- Face to Face

We are looking forward to welcoming you in International Final University.



You can submit your abstract through






or e-mail at:




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